10 Years Of Gossip Girl : The Men!

So just to recap, it’s a DECADE since Gossip Girl began and because it’s my favourite show, I decided to do a series of blog posts dedicated to it! For my first I put together my top 10 episodes, which was ridiculously hard, and you can read that here.

Anyone who has seen the show will know that it is full of SNACKS, so I decided that I’d put together my definitive ranking of the men of GG! Now there are quite a few male characters, so I set myself a rule: they MUST have been in at least 10 episodes of the show. That means we’ve at least had the chance to get some decent form of storyline out of them enough to care and make a decision whether we rate or hate them!

men gg

SO, that left me with 17 characters to judge on personality and, of course, looks. After much deliberating, here’s what I decided…

P.S. Spoilers ahead!

17. William van der Woodsen

william vdw

He had a secret child with Carol and gave Lily FAKE CANCER. I was absolutely not alright with that and nor will I write any more about his character. I still haven’t forgiven Lily for taking him back.

16. Tripp van der Bilt


Being related to lovely Nate you’d think he’d be nice right? WRONG. He’s the biggest douche going, leaving Serena for dead and causing Chuck and Blair to crash in their limo. It’s a shame because he’s fit, but a girl can’t forgive the stunts he pulled.

15. Bart Bass


The way he treats Chuck throughout the show absolutely breaks my heart, and let’s not forget that he TRIED TO KILL HIM.

14. Howard ‘The Captain’ Archibald


Firstly, I love that his nickname is ‘The Captain’, I really vibe that for some reason. Also he IS actually really attractive, it’s just a shame that he doesn’t really have any family morals. Let’s not forget he punched lovely Nate in the face as well, eurgh.

13. William van der Bilt

van der bilt

He is such a silver fox and he’s got that sexy businessman thing going on, but he is literally someone’s Grandfather and I shouldn’t have even put him this high up but here we have it.

12. Damian Dalgaard


He uses people, he’s a massive drug dealer and he’s a bit of a creep but he does help Blair and Dan find out the truth about Juliet so I can let him off. He’s also super attractive and I really like his hair.

11. Ben Donovan


I feel like Ben is this high up partially because I feel sorry for him. I mean yeah, he plotted against Serena in the first place but Serena can forgive him and so can we. He’s kinda shy, cute and intelligent too. I like that.


10. Eric van der Woodsen


I really love Eric and would definitely want to be his pal. He might scheme sometimes, but he’s an all-around good egg.

9. Vanya


Ok so Vanya isn’t really a main character, but he makes Dorota happy and therefore I LIKE HIM. He’s really sweet and always v helpful, like when he joined in to get rid of Georgina.

8. Cyrus Rose


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – there is not enough Cyrus in the show. I mean, he doesn’t float my boat looks wise but dammit, he is so precious.


7. Louis Grimaldi


He’s French, he’s romantic, he’s royalty, he’s gorgeous, he’s so damn stylish, and did I mention he’s gorgeous? Let’s pretend he didn’t turn out to be a right douche and remember the good ole days, yeah? Yeah.

6. Nate Archibald


I know I’ve been calling him lovely all the way through this post, and he IS lovely…but he’s just lovely isn’t he? Yeah he did well in the end, but I mean, he’s just a bit meh. No wonder Dan didn’t make him his own character in ‘Inside’.
Fully expecting the Archibald Army to come after me on this decision…

5. Dan Humphrey


You know what, there are so many times when I want to hit Dan and give him a shake. Like, he can be a bit of a whiney lil bitch just like his sister and that really annoys me, but then I remember that he’s got an adorable smile, is classically handsome, and sticks up for the women in his life by punching everyone and I like that.

4. Carter Baizen


I feel like Carter doesn’t get enough credit. I mean yeah he’s a bit of a slime ball but he IS helpful to Serena when she’s trying to find her Dad, and when Cece tries to change her words at cotillion. Also, he really steps up to the mark and shows his maturity when he agrees to right his wrongs towards his ex-fiancé and pay penance.

** tbh I can’t focus on anything other than the fact it’s Sebastian Stan in a suit, playing a bit of a bad boy. He is my kryptonite.

3. Jack Bass


I am not even sorry in the slightest for putting Jack in my top 3. He’s gorgeous, he’s funny, and he’s one of the shows main bad boys…and who doesn’t love a bad boy? He’s got charisma and ultimately helps Chuck and Blair be together, so all he’s done in the past is forgiven.

2. Chuck Bass


He’s not perfect, but who is? I mean, he doesn’t come off as the greatest of guys at first but he’s a tortured soul! He grows so much as a person throughout the show, and we see some really lovely, human moments from him. All I want to do is cuddle him…and maybe hear him say those 3 magic words…

1. Rufus Humphrey


That’s right, Rufus Humphrey is number one! Man, he’s just so lovely isn’t he? He tries so hard to be the best Dad that he can to Dan and Jenny, and is always seeing the best in people. All I want is for him to sing me to sleep, and wake me up with waffles. What an absolute dreamboat.

xoxo AB

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